Motion Graphic,
Product Design,
Character Design
Featuring six 30 second clips of fun and interesting characters reflecting MUIC visions and strategy, created to engage potential new students. Major PR project for MUIC, the brief detailing the production of everything from clips, posters and merchandise.
We were faced with many challenges during the production. The project began with the conception of the characters, revising and adjustment of the design in order to respond to the interests of our target audience, High School students. We chose to utilize a clean and striking style, creating interesting silhouettes and personalities fitted to our clients vision and strategy: learning, discovery, creativity, innovation, and Internationalization.
The music and pacing of the clips are designed to engage and capture the viewer’s attention and interest, a call to action prompt at the end in order to connect with the audience.
As a group of 13 creatives, one of the major challenges I faced as the group leader was the resolving of conflicts and project management. Thus, updates were shared online, and meetings were held when necessary.
For this extensive project, I was both the group leader and also tasked with important portions of the storyboarding, animation and post-production for two clips.
I managed and coordinated with the advisors and clients, facilitating the workflow and strategizing for the most efficient methods to complete the most in the least time required.
As a group member and teammate, I devised storyboards and ideas the visuals were based on for two clips, the collective clip and the Creative Thinker’s clip.